2nd conference "WORDS" held in Rouen during the third week
of September 1999. Jean Néraud took on the responsability for
the complete organisation of the conference. About eighty researchers
interested in the theory of words in Theoretical Computer Science met
at this colloquium. You will remember that the first conference
"WORDS" was organized in september 1997, with about sixty
Monday September 20
9.00: Conference registration
10.00: Conference opening.
-11.00: Tom C. Brown (Simon
Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada)
of standard Sturmian words to elementary number theory"
11.00-12.00: Aldo
de Luca (University of Roma, "La Sapienza",
"Words and special factors"
14.00-15.00: Giuseppe
Pirillo (CNR, University of Firenze, Italy)
new characteristic property of Standard Sturmian words"
15.00-16.00: Julien
Cassaigne (CNRS, Mathematic Institute of Luminy,
"Ideas for a proof of
Rauzy's conjecture on the recurrence function of infinite words"
16.00: Break
17.00-17.45: Rosalba
Zizza (University of Milano, Italy)
and circular splicing"
17.45-18.30: Laurent
Vuillon ( Paris 7 University, France)
characterization of Sturmian words by return words"
Tuesday September 21
8.40-9.40: Antonio
Restivo (University of Palermo, Italy)
and forbidden factors"
9.40-10.40: Jean
Néraud (University of Rouen, France)
quasi-complete sets"
10.40: Break
11.00-11.45: Arto
Lepistø (University of Turku,
Periodicity on infinite words
11.45-12.30: Laurent
Mouchard (University of Rouen and King College of
London, Great Britain)
pattern matching"
14.30-15.30: Juhani
Karhumaki (University of Turku, Finland)
commutation of finite sets: a challenging problem"
15.30-16.30: Gérard
Jacob (Lille 1 University, France)
non commutatifs et Systèmes dynamiques".
16.30: Break
17.00-17.45: Jean
Gabriel Luque (University of Rouen, France)
the support of free partially commutative Lie Algebra"
17.45-18.30: Vadim
Malyshev (INRIA, Rocquencourt, France)
and Quantum Evolution of Words"
Wednesday September 22
9.00-10.00: Jean
Berstel (University of Marne la Vallée,
"Shuffle factorization is
10: Break
10.30-11.15: Roberto
Incitti (University of Bologna, Italy)
growth of context-free languages"
11.15-12.00: Yannick
Guesnet (University of Rouen, France)
codes with a finite interpreting delay"
14.30: Excursion in the Fine Art Museum of Rouen.
20.30: Conference Dinner : Restaurant "la Couronne", Place du Vieux Marché, Rouen
Thursday September 23
9.10-10.10: Robert
Tijdeman (University of Leiden, The Netherlands)
On the minimal complexity of infinite words"
10.10: Break
10.30-11.15: Jano
Manuch (University of Turku, Finland)
factorisations of Words and Defect Effect"
11.15-12.00: Yoan
J. Pinzon (King's College London, Great
"Algorithms for Computing
Approximate Repetitions in Musical Sequences"
14.00-15.00: Jean Paul Allouche (CNRS, Paris 11 University, Orsay, France) "À propos d'un résultat de S. Lehr sur les nombres réels automatiques"
15.00-16.00: Gérard
Cohen (ENST, Paris, France)
pour la protection de droits d'auteur"
16.00: Break
16.30-17.15: Wojcieh
Plandowski (University of Varsow, Polland)
complexity of satisfiability of word equations"
17.15-18.00: Alex
Heinis (University of Leiden, The Netherlands)
values of P(n)/n for biinfinite words"
18.00-18.45: Valérie
Berthé (CNRS, University of Marseille,
"Complexité des
automates cellulaires"
Friday September 24
8.40-9.40: Mireille
Régnier (INRIA Rocquencourt,
"Efficient Computation of
Unusual Words Expectation"
9.40-10.40: Arturo
Carpi (Istituto di Cibernetica del CNR, Arco Felice,
"On special factors of
rational trees and ultimately periodic words"
10.40: Break
11.00-11.45: Zoltán
Ésik (Jozsef Attila University of Szeged,
"Axiomatizing the
subsumption order on finite and infinite partial words"
11.45-12.30: Francis Wlazinski (University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens France) "Test-Sets for Cube-Free Morphisms"
14.30-15.30: Guy
Melancon (CWI, Amsterdam, The
"Conjugation, Lyndon
Words and an Application to free Lie algebras"
15.30-16.30: Christian
Mauduit (University of Marseille,
"Pseudo-random finite and
infinite words"
16.30: Break
16.45-17.00: Flavio
D'Allessandro (Paris 7 University, France)
combinatorial problem on trapezoidal words"
17.30-18.00: Roman
Kolpakov (Moscow University , Russia)
finding squares with constant gap"
00-18.30: Yuriy Tarannikov (
Moscow University, Russia)
letter density in infinite repetition-free words"
Saturday September 25
09.00-10.00: Filippo
Mignosi (University of Palermo, Italy)
local versus global bidimensional periodicities"
10.00: Break
10.30-11.15: Cyril
Nicaud (Paris 7 University, France)
en moyenne des opérations sur les automates unaires"
11.15-12.00: Michael
Bigotte (Lille 1 University, France)
words and shuffle algebras for generating the coloured multiple zeta
values relations tables"
12.00: Closure of the conference.